Mathematician, musician … data scientics?
Comprehension of our surrounding world has always been the ultimate quest for scientists, thinkers and anyone who might question how something actually works. As far as the ancient Greece where the Py…
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Unless you love air quality and data, then this is the place for you.
Comprehension of our surrounding world has always been the ultimate quest for scientists, thinkers and anyone who might question how something actually works. As far as the ancient Greece where the Py…
Happy to announce that starting from today our tablet app for displaying conditions at workspaces and collecting feedback from occupants has been approved in Microsoft Windows Store and Google Play S…
We are all more than excited to join Health Innovation Village, a recently open startup space by GE Healthcare Finland. At the same time it is a farewell to the office within EIT ICT Labs, where 720° …
Fresh ideas are coming! Students from Aalto University, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management will be joining us for a couple of months to learn how startups innovate and to contribute …
Last few years have been incredible to the big data and analytics industry, with remarkable growth as well as recognition among enterprises. Making decisions based on data is becoming a real necessity…
Sisäilman haasteet ovat yleisiä, paljon julkisuudessa esiintyviä ja usein hankalasti selvitettäviä asioita. Erityisen hankaliksi sisäilmaongelmat tekee niihin liittyvä epätietoisuus ja määrittelemise…
720° on Suomessa kehitetty seurantatyökalu, joka auttaa tunnistamaan sisäympäristön ongelmakohdat edistyneen teknologian avulla. Perinteisistä sisäilmamittauksista poiketen työkalu mahdollistaa sisäym…